Karns needs to learn from Felix and Kuma about the Orcs. Although they aren't human, and only communicate through grunts and squeals, they do have psyches. As such, they are succeptible to a permanent state of beat down. The trick is getting them there. After that, they only take a moderate amount of beat down maintenance. If Kuma was throwing those same pitches, it wouldn't have been no nine runs.
This is because after many generations of promising Orc spawn being mauled by the Shuuto, the new generations has developed Kuma flinch, camoflauge, and other flight based survival techniques, despite the best breeding efforts of the Green Wizard.
This is a failure to ExtermiNate indeed. Karns needs to take off his thick rubber gloves, get out his axe and get some black goo on his hands and splattered across his clothes.