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As the previous post highlighted, Jack was very good at gathering collanders of spaghetti pitchers... and several stuck - like Carson (draft), Tommy (out of retirement), Furbush (trade with Detroit), and Zych (purchased from Cubs). Moreover, as we all saw, Jack used his surplus of relief pitching to acquire other pieces from Putz for Guti / Vargas+ to Maurer for Seth to multiple relievers and prospects for Trumbo. Yes, Jack probably should have kept or signing a couple relievers last off season, but Jack has definitely stocked the cupboards full of interesting arms... HOWEVER how the new eyes choose the next bullpen spaghetti versus trade away pieces for other needed players.

It will be fun to watch how new eyes and different training tactics will help the Gohara's, Pike's, Ramirez's, Pagan's, Wells's, and so many others... not to mention all the position players that fell so flat this last year.

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