Monday Medley: NRA to choose surgeon general?
Magical Childhood has a new “10 Ways to Make Today Magical” post up today! Yay! I always love these posts so much. This week’s ideas include rainy day food coloring art, spring nature studies, making a family mural (I LOVE this and am so doing it in our hallway), and much more!
The NRA is working hard to stop Dr. Vivek Murthy’s appointment as surgeon general, largely due to the fact that Murthy has a history of referring to gun violence as a public health threat. To tell the White House and your senator that you support Dr. Murthy’s appointment or to learn more, visit MomsRising.
Every post at The Kid Should See This is totally worth checking out, but I especially love this week’s What the World Eats for Breakfast. Any kind of mundane, daily routine around the world just fascinates me. I love to see how alike and how different we all are.
There’s another Maleficent trailer out! What did you think of it?
Need a free packet of science experiments?
Stephen Hawking says that we will not only colonize the moon within the next 50 years, but we’ll also be living on Mars by 2100. What do you think about that—and, perhaps more importantly, what do your kids think about it? And according to NASA, our society’s about to collapse anyway, due to the unequal distribution of wealth and our unsustainable use of resources.
Did you hear that nine unopened Dead Sea Scrolls were found in Jerusalem?
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia