Monday Medley: Mighty Girl Valentine books
Over at A Mighty Girl, there is a list of great Valentine’s Day books up for age appropriate books that feature a strong female heroine. Be sure to check it out even if you have boys because boys need to read about mighty girls, too! We just started our Mighty Girls book club for the semester and I think it was off to a great start. Wood Sprite usually has a hard time “sharing” me with a class, and she did during this one, too, so I’m hoping that we can get past it.
According to the American Journal of Public Health, marijuana reduces suicide. This is yet another reason to just go ahead and legalize it already. I’m not a smoker, but I sure do find it ironic that marijuana is illegal while cigarettes and alcohol, two of the most common preventable causes of cancer, aren’t. CVS is going to stop selling cigarettes, by the way.
Free play may reduce bullying, if what is occurring at one New Zealand school is testament to what could happen if other schools took up the same practice.
A British court is charging the Mormon Church with fraud based on its teachings. We know a lot of Mormon families in our homeschool groups and I’m sure they will not be happy about this news.
If you missed the Bill Nye and Ken Hamm debate about evolution versus creationism, you can see it here. (Warning: it’s prefaced with an ad to the creationism museum, something that I just cannot endorse. Live and let live and practice your faith however you wish, but when you start using The Flintstones as an historic model of history, then yes, I’ve got a problem with it.)
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia