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...I would speculate that Zduriencik has decided let Tui and Morrow finish out the AAA season and then come up just to keep everyone where they are and keep the guys loose down there.  But with Beltre not requiring surgery, the only argument for calling up Tui is if you want Hannahan to play short instead of Josh Wilson (I wouldn't mind if they did this) while we're waiting for Jack Wilson to heal.
Morrow was working on some stuff in his last start.  They had him throwing 50+% offspeed stuff according to those who attended the game, and they had him working on fastball command when he threw the fastball.  If he can throw 50+% offspeed and do that while throwing strikes (we know hw wasn't throwing balls that silly AAA hitters were missing since he only fanned 2 and walked 1...clearly he was pitching to contact), that's a good sign.  95 pitches in his 9 innings...we've never seen Brandon with that kind of pitch efficiency.

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