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glmuskie's picture

At this post.  Thanks Doc!
Bear in mind that part of the euphoria of this season is due to the epic dysfunction that existed in the M's clubhouse the past few years.  There's not likely to be the same level of giddiness next year.  C'mon, these are teammates that were tickling - tickling! each other.  Has that ever happened in baseball before?
But even with what will likely be a more measured clubhouse next year, Griffey would adopt the correct stance there as well.  He's shown a real feel for setting the right tone for the club.  From early in the season when he gently but firmly intruded in the media's focus on last year's team resenting Ichiro, to his simultaneous mocking /supporting of Wak's rules by wearing ties with Wak's image on them...  Well Ichiro called Junior a genius at being a teammate as well as at playing baseball.  I thought this was hyperbole when I read it, but the more I think about it, the more I think he might be right. 

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