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A fave James quote of mine:  "The 1950's Brewers parlayed Hank Aaron, Eddie Matthews and Warren Spahn into one championship and a long series of excuses.  The (1990's) Mariners appear to have outdone them."
With the two exceptions of Gillick and Zduriencik, and perhaps Bavasi (who didn't have the lead), Seattle execs were always satisfied to provide marketable baseball "product."  Championships were never a priority.
I'm certain that I'll live the rest of my life and never see another set of (nearly-) homegrown players, like Junior-ARod-Edgar-Bone-Unit, ever come up for a team that I root for.
Simply amazing how little the 1990's Mariners accomplished.  One great 5-game first-round playoff win and that was pretty much it.  You could have accomplished that much in a decade, with none of those HOF'ers.

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