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1) No serious economist (and baseball bean counters are serious economists) would ever have thought the current economic situation had any potential to develop into the 2nd great depression.  Only people who were suckered by the media hype of the stock market crash would ignore the otherwise strong indicators of economic stability that surrounded the implosion of the home equity business and the bank bailouts.
2) The economy is no different today than it was last year in baseball terms.
3) Jarrod Washburn is absolutely DESPERATE to go back to Seattle and work with Adair and our outfield defense again.  He's said in several occasions that he feels he made his money and now wants to win.  In other words...he's not going to be happy with a 3 year contract for some team that isn't going to make it possible for him to pitch "well".  It's not unreasonable to wonder how low he'll go to get back to the Mariners.  If he signs a higher-value contract and pitches elsewhere...that's his decision.  None of us discussing the Washburn idea are PLANNING on his being worth 5 mil on the general market or assuming that what he'll take to come here...but it's not impossible, and it's certainly worth discussing.

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