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glmuskie's picture

But you mention Felix and Ichiro as 'exceptions'...  I don't think Z and Co. see it that way.  Z's comment the other day was, roster spots are there to be earned.  Methinks Felix and 51 have earned a roster spot, at least for now.
What's really nice is knowing that if, heaven forbid, Ichiro suddenly is batting .200 and can't throw from the outfield anymore, Z and Wak will swap him out with someone who can get the job done.  Obviously, Ichiro has bought some leeway with his amazing play, and management is showing in their efforts to bring Griffey back that they look at the whole package in deciding whether a player should be on the roster or not.  I'm just sayin.  If Ichiro or whomever goes in a protracted and/or terminal funk, they are going to do something about it.
Man I'm glad the Hargrove days are in the past...

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