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one of the geniuses of Matthew 6:1-4.  If the MLB's donation had been anonymous, then the Haitians would be helped, and no one would be able to complain.  When and if questions were asked the MLB could have said something innocuous like, "Yes we are donating, but we would like to keep any amounts private as this is not for public relations, but for the Haitians."
Or they can break out the Trumpets, whatever, at least the Haitians are helped, I guess.  I am pretty sure the millions of paniced people down there don't care one iota what I think of the MLB anyway.  
In fact, now that I re-read Matthew 6:1-4 again I wish I had never said anything about my own giving.
Of course while the MLB should be reading Matthew 6, I should probably be reading Matthew 7 ;)

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