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I only started 3-4 years ago and its not my main income or anything... My account is about 1800% of what I started with though. :-)
Who knows, maybe I eventually blow it all though with my betting style. I tend to not spread out my money on value lines like the pros and instead bet big on fights I feel are huge values. I made a killing on Takimoto vs Galesic, Rampage vs Liddell, Lyoto Machida before he got famous, etc. I've even dropped a ton of money on minus lines that I felt were great values as well like the over on Tampa Bay in '08, BJ Penn in his last 3 lightweight fights, Mousasi's first fight in Strikeforce (was amazingly the underdog in the opening line), Faber vs Brown II, etc. I threw nearly my entire account on Floyd Mayweather before the Pacman fight was canceled.
The biggest mistake I made was betting on the Ms pre-season last year. I went for the division when I should have just played it safe and did the over. I dropped a grand there. Probably a "homer" mistake. :-)

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