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Two thumbs up for those guys.  Hensley is my 5th best starting pitcher, and Kasparek's 7th.

Kasparek used to throw harder before TJ surgery a couple of years ago. If he can get back to the low 90s regularly he can definitely shine with that sort of control, and from the sounds of it he's starting to do that. His slider's a weapon, his control is a weapon.  Nobody in the MWL is equipped to hit that slider, though.  I really wish we had a high-A park worth putting a pitcher in, but AA is crowded this year so Kenn will probably be in the Cal League and just as hard to judge there.

And Hensley trying to adjust in the Cal League is no slight on him as a prospect.  High Desert is brutal.  I'm looking forward to seeing the West Tenn team this year. It should be absolutely stocked with pitchers AND hitters worth being interested in.
Possible Roster:

Pineda, Robles, Cortes, Hensley, Hume
Paredes, Varvaro, Fields, Wild, Orta...
Ackley, Triunfel, Liddi, Poythress, Raben (or Dunigan), Halman, Peguero...
I don't think all those guys will be there, but enough of them will be that it should be a fascinating team even without Gillies.
4 of my top 5 starters, 5 or 6 of my top 10 hitters, and some intriguing bullpenners with pedigree?
I'll be disappointed if we're not running laps around some teams down there.

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