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Personally, I don't think RRS vs. Vargas is a done-deal.  While sentiment in commentary seems to work under the assumption that RRS is a "fixture" -- I don't know that I've seen anything from the club itself to support this view.  I think the club knew that RRS and Snell would both be in the rotation to begin 2009 -- and that the other decisions were very iffy.  But, RRS and Vargas at this point have nearly identical innings UNDER Z.
IMO, the "fan" assumptions about RRS are pushing his status above what it actually is within the organization.  Has RRS done any more to keep his job THIS YEAR than Snell?  I don't think so.  So, the club 'might' want to keep both Vargas and RRS in the lineup until Bedard returns, simply so they can make an informed decision about which lefty to move at the time.
I still think it more likely that the first guy to the pen is a lefty, because the pen doesn't have one.  But, if that is the case - "today" the 'obvious' choice would be RRS, the pitcher with the team-worst K/BB ratio rather than Vargas, the guy with the team-leading K/BB.

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