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Sorry, but you need to more properly understand how the process of PLEA BARGAINING works.
Lueke pled no contest to a lesser included felony charge as part of a plea bargain arrangement...that is in fact a DEAL offered by the prosecution when they don't want to proceed with a trial by jury and are willing to take the guaranteed punishment rather than risk losing at trial.  That is how the legal system works most of the time (more than 85% of all criminal cases end in a plea bargain, either because the accused knows he's guilty and can offer information relevent to other investigations or because the prosecution's case is too weak to go to trial).  Yes...Lueke pled no contest...I would have in his place too even if I thought I was innocent of that charge.  He was in prison...he faced being stuck in prison for a couple more months at least while the case went to trial, and the trial itself could be very bad for everyone involved, including Lueke.  The prosecution offered him a lame first deal to see if he'd bite (that one would have had him serving a year in prison) and he laughed them they came back with a second offer that got him out of jail offer he took.
And I did not say I wanted Baker not to make waves...I said I wanted him to offer BOTH SIDES of this story...which he does not want to do...a fact I find highly distressing.

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