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Nathan H.'s picture

Man, you've just laid down a veritable Thanksgiving dinner to nosh off of. Where to start?
Coaching: A team truly seems to reflect it's leader. Under Mora the Hawks were shrill and mentally mistake-prone. Watch an '09 Mora press conference after a loss and you'll see where that came from. Say what you will about Carroll's cliche'd approach to not just football, but life, it's working. The Knox comparison is appropriate. His biggest strength so far this season, though, is his ability to adjust on the fly.
D: Much tougher, not prone to mental errors, SMOTHERING run D. 
O: Okung held strong against Peppers today. What a welcome development. Hasselbeck has become a top-tier backup. He can lead a team to a win because of his smarts, preperation, and leadership. But he can't put a team on his back anymore. His arm strength, which has never been great, has diminished and his accuracy has declined as well.
Special Teams: This deserves a spotlight. After suffering under years of terrible kick coverage and a static return game, this year has been a revelation so far. Now if they can just learn to catch a punt consistantly.
Overall: No one. Again - NO ONE picked the Hawks to compete for the division this year. The thinking was that Pete needed 2 or 3 years to get his personnel into place. And the Hawks fans seemed OK with that. Winning, heck competing, this year like they currently are is gravy. I can see the future and am optimistic. The only question is with regards to the next QB. This is the question that will also answer another important question: Will Carroll's Seahawk era be a success?

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