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Saunders is *NOT* exactly what Langerhans is.  Saunders WANTS to be what Langerhans is - but better.
The primary reason to keep Cust and Langerhans around is so Saunders can have a couple of examples of LH sluggers to watch and learn from - (both good and bad things).
Langerhans hits LHP exceptionally well.  So, let Saunders watch, study and learn how to hit lefties from a lefty who can hit lefties.
Cust is dreadful against LHP - so use him as the negative template for what NOT to do against LHP. 
The reason to keep either or both around is because it can *HELP* in the development of the guy you want to become your long term guy.
Or, of course, you can simply bring up your prospect, let him try to figure everything out himself, then trade him to the NL (or KC) after he fails.
What puzzles me is why nobody has considered the possibilty that one of the reasons that all of the Mariner prospects fail so miserably is because the only decent hitter the club has had in ages has been Ichiro.  IMHO, if you are expecting your prospects to learn based on watching Ichiro - (the penultimate MLB hitting singularity) - then you should expect to happen ... well, exactly what has happened for the last 6 years.
Lopez - learned from Ichiro
Yuni - learned from Ichiro
Wlad, Clement, etc., etc., etc ... if they were looking at an actual in-game example of success ... pretty much Ichiro.

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