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ghost's picture

He didn't treat like his wipeout pitch too often...but he did use it as a set-up pitch very effectively.  There were a few spots where I was expecting slider and got a fastball fouled back to waste another pitch...a bit annoying...but I do think that he was as effective as he was with a slightly-off fastball because he was using the slider as a good set-up weapon.
As for the rest...I enjoyed the way he seemed to bear down when they got two on twice in this game.  In the second, he was screwed over a bit by thbe ump's tight zone and walked the first two men (requiring 17 pitches...ugh) and responded by freezing the next two hitters 0-2 on perfectly located fastballs and sliders...better command than he'd shown all night.  In the sixth, he tried to go easy on his arm and they squared him up twice...the pitching coach gave him a nice little chat while the bullpen got busy, perhaps they were thinking he was tired...which he probably was...and he bore down one more time and threw 98 four times in the last three hitters and 97 several other times.  When it's going to be his last inning, he seems to know how to finish it.
I am now fully convinced that he is capable of the consistency that I needed to see for myself.  I knew he was going to be capable of domination right only degree of freedom for doubt was whether he could consistently command the fastball and the slider every start (more or less)...I believe that he can and will.  Therefore...I will now be unafraid to call him "El Nino" and assume victory on his start days. :)

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