Sadly, it's hard to stay patient with "makeup issues" guys or head cases when your team is drowning. You can't possibly know if the guy will EVER figure it out, and even if he DOES, whether it will be too late to impact your predicament in any reasonable time frame.
Yeah, you might get lucky, and sometimes teams do, but I wouldn't PLAN for it. I'd just consider it serendipitous if I got some OTHER team's head case to blossom on my team while he was here. My experience? Head cases are head cases. Even if they figure it out for a while, the issue resurfaces. I wouldn't want to go into battle with 33% of my energy and focus devoted to one guy who can't get his act together.
Of course, like everything, these types of things must be judged on a case-by-case basis. And the fallout from decisions in those cases can't properly be judged until enough seasons have played out to allow for the fact that brief periods of production after a player leaves may prove to be illusory.
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