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Cole to the Pirates seems to be all but official, which is probably the best news for the M's out of all of their possible picks.
Smoak is really the only legit middle of the order bat in the M's system, and Rendon can match him from either 2B or 3B. He's the only elite college hitter in the draft, the best available player for the M's pick, and the perfect fit for the system.
Everything I've read suggests Starling is the alternative if Rendon's medicals don't check out, and Churchill himself appears to admit Lindor is a pick he concluded himself and wasn't directly leaked from his insiders. Starling is less than ideal, but he's definitely got the talent of a #2 overall and I do agree with choosing a hitter over a similar pitcher based on the direction baseball is headed.
Unfortunately for the other team I follow, looks like the O's are indeed leaning towards Bradley even if Bauer/Bundy are still on board which for me would be about equivalent to the M's selecting Lindor.

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