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On Guti ... I think it really is as simple as ... the kid came on board, did everything we could possibly ask of him ... and he was struck with a mystery disease.  The doctors "say" he's okay ... but he lost a bunch of weight.  "In theory", we're looking at a guy re-habbing ... and he hit good enough in 50 PAs in AAA where we "thought" the rehab was done.  Clearly ... it isn't.
For me, the tell on Guti (though sample size is an issue) is the miniscule K-rate compared to when he was hitting well.  He's not walking OR whiffing.  That means he's getting the ball in play waaaay more often.  Why?  My guess - (and this is where eyes on would really help) - is that he's "slow".  I think his bat is literally not moving as quickly through the zone, which means he actually has more vertical adjustment than he did formerly. 
If this is true - then his ability to pull the ball should be compromised (except on off-speed stuff).  But, mostly it means that on pitches he would miss previously, he is putting them 'weakly' into play.  (2011 BABIP = .216 ... career avg = .307 ... 2010 = .297).
I think he's playing because it's the 'human' thing to do.  Given the circumstances of his illness, most clubs would be pre-disposed to making his leash particularly long ... (coupled with the understanding that despite his quick start, Halman, even more than Peguero, would likely benefit with more AAA time.  But, the club needed a backup CF ... and Saunders had burned his MLB-visa already).
I applaud the team for treating Guti well ... but 100+ ABs at his production level is about enough ... "unless" they are seeing some quickness return to his bat that vanished.  It's a fine line between veteran entitlement and reasonable patience.  There is no perfect number.  But, the massive drop in K (and BB) rates ... both about half of normal ... coupled with the danger-zone BABIP ... (it's WAY beyond the 'tough luck' arena) ... tells me something is VERY different with Guti's swing.  I'm thinking accelleration/velocity ... but I'll leave the eyes on detective work to the good Dr.

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