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I'm coming to believe, and recently posted, that Guti's offensive peak was in '09.  That's the line you HOPE he can find again.  Beyond that?  Bad bet!
A 100 OPS Guti, the 180-20 tater guy, is a hell of a player.
A 86 OPS Guti, the 12 tater guy, is a decent #7 or #8 hitter.
Less than 75 OPS (let alone 40-ish) then Guti is a liability. He can't save enough runs to make up for the dismal bat.
Halman's hitting .367 for goodness sake.  But he's become, primarily, a defensive replacement in LF.  Man, let him patrol CF and see if he can keep hitting .300.
Doc, you're exactly right. Play the bats. Carp and Halman have each shown that they are decent glove guys. 
I, too, think Pegs has a way interesting upside...but 40 K's and 7 walks indicates that he's getting killed by pitch recognition.  He's becoming a TDO.  True double option.  Extra-base hit or strikeout!
And if he's your LF,  then Carp needs more than 28 AB's at DH.
Runs man.  Find the runs.   

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