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Of course, the interleague timing didn't do anything to help with the PT logjam.
I think the club wants Carp to replace Cust, at minimum, (which he really ought to be good enough to do), and get an idea of what his upside is with a more reasonable audition than his previous cups of coffee.  The bizarro Florida there's-no-place-like-home series just helps to confuse the reality.
My own view is that they judged that Peguero's problems (whatever they may be), are best served working on against MLBers, not in Tacoma.  Yes, he's a project ... but he's still more attractive than another 5 months of Bradley.
Halman came up because Guti "must" have a legit CF backing him up -- (the club saw the horror of playing the non-legit CF Langerhans in April, and the disasterous impact that had on the pitching staff).  I'd bet the club would rather have left Halman down and let Saunders be a #4 --- except Saunders pretty much proved he's not even a #4.
I don't buy into Carp's first 30 PA results any more than I buy into Halman's.  But, how much Carp rises and Halman falls ... only time will tell.  But, time can only tell if they get those 250+ PAs. 
For me, I think Peguero and Carp are up "for the count".  They prove they belong this year (by September), or not.  Halman is the only one of the three I think the club wants in AAA.  I think the Guti situation is the sticking point there.  Then again ... Halman has been great so far ... so maybe they saw something fixed that wasn't fixed long enough to show up in the stats.
Me?  I'd rather see the prospects this year than chase what might be an extra 50 points of OPS from a 'reliable veteran'.  (I really think Jack's 2011 season would be much, much simpler if Texas would just go ahead and run off a 10-game winning streak and remove the temptation --- but I get why it's so tempting).

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