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Auto5guy's picture

Just had some recent personal experience with this. 
Back in March I tore my calf.  It made an audible pop and dropped me to my knee.  It scared me.  I grabbed my Achilles to make sure it was still there.  Absolutely couldn't walk.  Ortho sent me for an MRI. When  I returned with the image the Dr. looked at it and chuckled.  He said he had never seen a tear like mine.  An entire segment tore away.  What was odd is it tore away from the muscle group and not on the tendon end. 
He advised that it's extremely difficult to successfully reattach muscle to muscle without it simply tearing again. He told me that the rest of the calf muscle would build up and compensate but it would be a bit misshapen so my career as an underwear model was over.  :-(
I spent a month in a boot and another two weeks wincing whenever I looked at stairs or even an incline.  It was somewhere past eight weeks before I took a VERY short jog. 
I'm very well aware that there is a world of difference between a calf and pec but I'd be amazed if his season wasn't over.

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