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Okay, I get the concept of Reyes, (and appreciate the risk).  But, doesn't that slam Nick Franklin into the boards?
Doesn't this set up another position swap at the ML level between a kid and a long timer?  Or is the assumption that Nick Franklin is expendable?
Me?  I'm not high on Fielder (or Votto), because the club seems to be in good shape regarding 1B.  I'm thinking the position the club is most questionable on going forward remains CF.  I'd prefer to hold onto my cash this year with a plan to make a run at someone like Kemp in the next 18 months.
Of course, the Darvish issue brings up an important issue.  Since Seattle DOES have a major Japanese footprint, what NPB bat(s) might be on the cusp of defection to MLB ... potentially sliding into the Ichiro marketing slot? 

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