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Even the Mariners' beat writers are falling for the media bias. Larry Stone (who admittedly never thought Prince was a likely signing) reports that the "noise has died down on our end, making it less likely Prince is our man." Why on Earth does that mean what you say it means, Larry? The media doesn't think Seattle will get you agree? Why would there be noise? We made our offer a month ago and have been waiting patiently for Prince to give up his dreams of playing for some elite winner tomorrow and for ten years, be realistic, and give us a fair hearing. THERE'S NOTHING MORE TO BE DONE UNTIL BORAS AND FIELDER COME BACK TO US FOR OUR FINAL WORD. Which Boras is too smart to miss doing. We had an early, aggressive offer out there...after he sizes up the market...he'll be back to talk to us one more time. We'll either have enough money or we won't...but there shouldn't be and gosh darned noise right now...we aren't DOING anything because the position demands we not do anything.
And of course...the media is rooting HARD for Fielder to go to the Orioles or Nats or Rangers or Dodgers or hard that you hear things like "we're down to a final four teams...sources have linked Fielder to the Nationals, Rangers, Orioles and a fourth unknown team" The fourth unkown team?? REALLY?? They don't want Fielder i Seattle so badly they can't even say we're connected to him? This is beyond insane at this point.

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