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These days with the F/X system we come to realize that all these guys have the same 5" x 7" armside movement that everybody else does.  LOL.  You're throwing a baseball 90 MPH with 2000 RPM on it, and it swerves in the air.  Whether you're in high school, college or running a pitching machine.
"Clean mechanics" is another favorite... ask the author what's clean and what's dirty.  Ummmmm... ?
"Questionable bat speed" is one that gets me.  They'll apply it to a guy like Vinnie Catricala hitting 440-foot home runs off 95 fastballs ... you mean perceptive speed, reactive speed or throughspeed?  Does anybody have any idea what batspeed is?  Bill James has a discussion going on now wherein he argues that LACK OF batspeed is an advantage, because it keeps the bat in the zone longer.  ???  
Point is, these subjects are not well understood in the first place, and here you have a 'net rat applying labels to guys based on YouTube vids...
Anyway thanks for the props GL.  That actually is the goal here, to give 'concrete variations' as the Russian chessplayers say, so glad you feel like you're getting some of them ;- )

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