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Andrew L. (Good...'s picture

This is an absolutely fantastic post and something I was thinking about the other day.
Do you think that, even with the constant losing, the Mariners can gain respect by Wedge (or any of the previous managers) being more vocal and demanding of the umpires? I can't help but notice that Wedge doesn't argue very often or very... Hard (for lack of a better term). Admittedly, I've turned against Wedge and am only noticing bad things but I can think of 5 blatant missed calls that have played crucial in determining the outcome of games. At least 5 terrible calls and how many ejections (or even storm out of the dugout screaming fits)? Zero. As you said, the Mariners have worked hard to create a family friendly night at the ballpark.
It's too bad. Letting Ackley know that you have his back as he tags a guy out at second twice and then is called safe might do something for his confidence. Or showing your flame-throwing rookie reliever that you know he threw a strike to get another guy looking by throwing a tirade couldn't hurt. It's great that he got thrown out of a Spring Training game for Felix but he needs to be behind all of his players. This ball-club needs some fire and the umpires need to show some respect. Sure, winning would definitely get us there but you have to be pro-active in your attempt to get to the winning side.

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