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How is a guy who looks like he's going to lay waste (for an IF) to RH pitching AND who can play SS/2B/3B a "situational" asset? There aren't many situations where a guy like that isn't an asset! That asset value doubles when you consider the guy immediately ahead of him.
I think yesterday would have been the natural time to give Franklin the call. The team heads out of town for a bit, which gives him a chance to acclimate to the M's, on the run. I'm looking at Thursday the 9th, now. That's our travel date back to Oakland (weird schedule--@PItt/@Oakland/@NY). A natural time to give Franklin the call.
Tenbrink doesn't replace Andino (or Ryan), and that is our black hole. But as a true utility guy (who can't hit much, BTW...but does walk) who gives you flexability off the bench, he has some (limited) value.
WAY less than Franklin, Triunfel or Liddi (et al), though.
Tenbrink over Franklin and I will be absolutely convinced that Z or Wedge or both need to go immediately. If we're using Franklin this way simply to not expose him to MLB pitching to enhance his value for some possible/to-be-determined trade is silly-stupid. Man, let's let him help us now.

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