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First one is purely procedural... If we call up Franklin today, and then send him down tomorrow for the rest of the year, does that still count as giving him "Super Two" status? If not then why not call him up to see if he can be an igniter, and if he falls on his face, then send him back down.
Second one is also procedural... Would Triunfel also be considered Super Two if we called him up right now? And if so why don't we care about his super two status?
Third one is moral... If Nick Franklin deserves to be called up right now (like a good handful of us believe he is), then doesn't he DESERVE to be super two? And if the club is in fact ONLY waiting to get past Super two status to call him up then isn't that tantamount to stealing from him? ie morally and legally wrong? For those who are for the club keeping him down only to make him cheaper next year, are you for stealing from him?

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