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misterjonez's picture

a given perspective, the decisions don't look all that dissimilar. The Freddy trade was actually pretty good (for a lame duck situation), if we had just kept the pieces and deployed them properly.
Olivo would have been fine, if used appropriately (i.e. against lefties, and allowed to do what HE did defensively, rather than telling him he couldn't hold Dan Wilson's jockstrap). NOBODY saw Reed imploding (including the BoSox, who made some pretty strong offers at one point), and Morse vindicated himself as soon as he got away from our player development system. I'm through blaming the park for our disgusting decade of run-scoring-- we had some AMAZING runs in Safeco to start, under Gillick.
Hey Gordon, snag my email and send a message to me... I wanna talk about Mason's Order, if you're so inclined.

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