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Like the idea of finding a "potentially" useful stat to leverage for gain.
Nice of Spec to clarify TWO critical points. It ain't the only stat he uses -- AND - he pays the most attention to the extreme results.
For a "high luck" stat, concentrating on the extremes suggests the at least "some" of the skew is based on ability. How much is debateable. But, it's at least a starting point.
But, no matter what stats you key in on - you shouldn't look at them in ... isolation. (ba dum bum)
For me, the second thing about viewing a high luck stat is - sustainability. When dealing with any high luck stat - (BABIP - or pitcher ISO) - I think one of the "proper" adjustments to make is to pay attention to performance OVER TIME.
Recognizing a stat is high-luck says one should not except EVERY abberation at tracking back to ability (good or bad). But ... extreme results suggest movement outside of the luck box - and "sustained" skew also suggests movement outside of the luck box.

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