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In the course of a season, every team (nearly) has a 2 and 7 streak, the critical element is not to have 3 or 4 of them. If this is it, we're just dandy.
The transfer rule is silly, as enforced. Hey, the deal was to prevent the bobble-but-still-out on the DP turn at 2B, not to deny a clear catch and transfer. Alas, Seager wasn't throwing anybody out at any other base, so cradling the ball would have been just fine.
I was wrong about Hart being dangerously hobbled, but I'm still not playing him in RF that much. I wasn't playing him there from Day One. I want to guarantee we get 145 games from his bat, not from his glove. We acquired a mashing RH bat, not a RF. Let's treat him gingerly. And I know you and I disagree on this, Doc, but I still think he's sitting fastball on almost every pitch AND still has the ability to hold back and hit a moon ball on the curve. His mashing ability is not predicated on his ability to turn on the heater (all mashers do that) but to not corkscrew himself into the ground when the yakker floats up there. David Ortiz from the RH, if you will.
Good for J. Jones on the IF hit. Atta boy, kid. But unless he's a LF and Ackley is a 1B, we don't have a place for him right now. Well, unless Saunders is gone.
Franklin? Unless we dump Bloomquist or Saunders (or Morrison stays DL'ed for an extended time period) I don't see the place for him right now either. We're not demoting Seager or Miller, for sure. And I don't think we're sending Romero out, as that leaves only Bloomquist's RH bat on the bench (unless we figure Franklin as having a real RH bat...which is possible.)
It's a long year and it's early. When the varsity pitchers show up, we will be fine.

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