Pepper, August 15

=== Mark Lowe ===

Has been a championship-level setup man. 

21 holds, second in the league.  His last 28 days before Friday, he had a 15:3 control ratio, with a .180 AVG, a .226 OBP, and a .280 SLG.

But his one Achilles' Heel is that his slider is a bit susceptible to lefty power, and it bit him again on Friday.  Every once in a while -- like one series a month -- the M's really miss their LOOGY.

Vargas looks like he'd be one, but despite the sidearm delivery he's got a reverse platoon split.  LH's are over .500 SLG against him.

LOOGY's are a funny thing.  I've seen excellent teams win with five righties in the pen.  But the thing is, two games per month, you really need one.

It isn't every team you face, that has three tough LH batters in a row.  And it isn't every game you play, that's tied in the 8th.  And it isn't every game you play, that those exact batters come up in that inning, with that score.   And even if they do, you might have a RHP fresh who is a good historical matchup.

But!  About twice a month, the two righties that you have available -- they're dead meat on the street against the three guys comin' up.

THIS is why you see managers put in fringe LHP's in late-inning jams.  It isn't the 40 platoon points.  It's that they know that the two RHP's they have available are going to get splattered if they bring them out.


=== Matt Tuiasosopo ===

Hit a home run and added two walks during Friday night's win over Iowa. 

Has 19 RBI the last 11 games.  Has a .400 OBP since the All-Star break (300/400/550).

With (1) the entire Mariners' infield having suffered a missile-shot to the coconuts and (2) Matt Tuiasosopo swinging the bat as well as he POSSIBLY can right now, what is the reason for not bringing him up?

You bring him up in two or three weeks, he's going to be swinging the bat worse, or, possibly, just as well as he is right now.

Rushing Tui?  Didn't Zduriencik have him on the roster Opening Day, with an obvious view to the passing of the baton?   So your 3B goes down in Safeco, Tui is on a rampage, and ... he stays down.


Which of you guys can provide a specific calculation of when the service-time tripwire date hits?  :- )


Tui has an OPS of 1350 when ahead in the count, and 450 when behind in the count.   That's all year.

What does that tell you?

We remember when Ken O'Brien was QB of the New York Jets back in the 80's.  O'Brien could physically execute a play every inch as well as Joe Montana could.  The problem was, the game was way too fast for O'Brien mentally.   It always was.

So the entire Jets offense was based around giving O'Brien plays in which he knew who he was going to throw to, in the huddle.  Or, at worst, making one simple read and throwing to one of two receivers.   If the Jets could get one pre-designated guy a little space, O'Brien could hit him.

Amazing, really, that O'Brien achieved mediocrity under those conditions, but he did.


Right now, Tui can't hit when he doesn't know what is coming.  But when he does have an idea what is coming, he is Barry Bonds.   1350 OPS! when 1-0, 2-1, 2-0.

One more seismo that this kid is going to be a little more than "okay."


=== Bryan Lahair ===

Is the best Rainier hitter.  Has 24 homers.  So far.  In Cheney.  Remember when we were debating projectable power?

Still, D-O-V sees him as a journeyman who one day may pull off a couple of major-league seasons.  His eye ratio is still 93/35, and he's closing in on age 27.

Fringe ML first baseman who, in a year or two, may be more ML than fringe.


=== Brandon Morrow ===

As Vidya pointed out at Mariner Central, threw a 4-hit complete-game shutout on Friday.

Only two strikeouts, but he obviously had his control.  Nine innings, one walk, three singles, one double, no runs.

I wonder what the JV Cubbies were putting in play so early.


Dr D




...I would speculate that Zduriencik has decided let Tui and Morrow finish out the AAA season and then come up just to keep everyone where they are and keep the guys loose down there.  But with Beltre not requiring surgery, the only argument for calling up Tui is if you want Hannahan to play short instead of Josh Wilson (I wouldn't mind if they did this) while we're waiting for Jack Wilson to heal.
Morrow was working on some stuff in his last start.  They had him throwing 50+% offspeed stuff according to those who attended the game, and they had him working on fastball command when he threw the fastball.  If he can throw 50+% offspeed and do that while throwing strikes (we know hw wasn't throwing balls that silly AAA hitters were missing since he only fanned 2 and walked 1...clearly he was pitching to contact), that's a good sign.  95 pitches in his 9 innings...we've never seen Brandon with that kind of pitch efficiency.


Why does a 1.350 OPS ahead in the count against a .450 OPS behind in the count indicate future stardom?  Taking a look at the numbers, when Tuiasosopo is behind in the count, he hits hard when he gets his bat on a pitch, notching 4 doubles and a homer out of 9 hits, but it costs him.  Matt strikes out more than 50% of the time when the pitcher gets ahead.  Those things make him look like a mistake hitter to me, and suggest an Eric Karros type offensive career to me.  Or maybe an Adrian Beltre one in Safeco...and without the sterling defense and with a few more strikeouts.  So, again, why the hooplah for Matt Tuiasosopo (other than that he's a local)?


And the article isn't a rebuff.  Just a groundstroke back off your interesting serve.

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