Lonnie's James Paxton Video - Trigger

=== Trigger ===

Paxton, in his bullpen session, was pitching from the stretch.  Therefore, we couldn't tell how dramatic his rock step is or isn't.  We'll venture a guess that, like Strasburg, Paxton has a minimal rock step.

Our first minor quibble is that Paxton has virtually no windup trigger from the stretch.  This is very unusual, and is not a positive.


A PGA golfer will typically push the hands forward imperceptibly to begin his swing - a "moving without motion" idea that allows him to raise the hammer before bringing it down, so to speak.

Many ML pitchers, from the stretch, will either bounce the glove (in a balk motion) or start the motion by raising the glove a bit.

Paxton, however, stands absolutely rock-statue still, like he'd been Medusa'ed.  Finally he starts his windup by lifting his front foot (!!).

This would be an incredibly awkward way for a mortal human being to start a pitching motion.  The danger is that, under pressure, the beginning of the motion would become jittery (golfing "yips") and then, of course, the entire motion would unravel.


Baseball fans don't talk much about swing or windup triggers.  PGA golfers do.

To a golfer, the trigger is as important a part of the swing as any other part of it.  Jack Nicklaus explained why -- anything unnatural in the swing, anything that does not happen in rhythm, will break down once the nerves are jumping in competition.

The fact that Paxton's literal "trigger" is to pick up his front foot ?! ... in a vacuum, would make Dr. D very nervous.


With Paxton, however, the grace and balance is so extreme that it's possible he simply transcends the need for a windup trigger.  We'll see.




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