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Scientists demonstrate brain-to-brain communication in rats

It used to be that if you wanted to talk to someone with your brain, you needed to do it the old fashioned way - with some sort of mutant super power.  Now, it looks like scientists are putting that unlikely occurrence to rest and making sure that the future will be filled with people who can brain-chat at will, all thanks to the miracles of modern technology.  A group of researchers at Duke showed that two rats can, via brain implants, share brain information across vast distances.


Don’t be part of the problem

As flights, trains, buses and basically all forms of wandering become easier, certain problems start to arise. While it is great to be able to visit a new country, those leaving their homes may bring aspects of their own culture that can leave a lasting mark on the one which they are visiting. On top of that, when locals of new destinations see things they believe travelers may like, they will start to market it. This, though entrepreneurial, can lead to degradation of the original culture, landscape, etc.



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