Shout - takingnotes - January 9 2015 1:58 pm EST
I never needed a hat in the NW. And didn't think that #Omaha was so bloody cold in the winter. #Single #takingnotes #Chat:1-9-15_12:57pm
I never needed a hat in the NW. And didn't think that #Omaha was so bloody cold in the winter. #Single #takingnotes #Chat:1-9-15_12:57pm
Or this is probably more like something I would wear for an #Omaha winter: <a href=" target="_parent"></a> #Single #Erika B #Chat:1-7-15_3:32pm
Yeah, #Omaha takes winter pretty seriously, from what I can tell! #Single #Erika B #Chat:1-7-15_3:32pm
The gods are punishing #Omaha for all of its bad driving. #Single #takingnotes #Chat:1-7-15_3:32pm
And in a city like #Omaha, those signs would be going off every 5 seconds. People here are nuts. #Single #takingnotes #Chat:1-5-15_1:12pm
I can imagine, NYC. That's one of the problem with any increase in any kind of traffic. Here in #Omaha, drivers never pay attention to pedestrian traffic. With larger bike populations, I can imagine it's the same thing. #Single #saysthespider #Chat:1-3-15_7:38pm