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PEDs are PEDs

Two-time cancer survivor, seven-time Tour de France winner and number one criminal in one of the largest and most advanced performance enhancing drug (PED) scandals in sports history. Sure, Lance Armstrong has done some amazing things on the seat of a bike, but the fact is, “athletes,” who degrade sports by using PEDs are criminals, and shouldn't be let off the hook easily. Lance Armstrong, especially, shouldn't be given any sympathy.


Traveling naked

More and more, people going on vacation are looking to lighten the load in their suitcases. They don’t do this by exercising self-control and refusing to buy tons of touristy junk to pass out at Christmas. Instead, they’re opting to leave some clothes behind and take a vacation that’s a little more risqué.  The phenomenon of the naked journey is becoming popular, especially among the American crowd, who, if surveys are to be believed, come in at 50 percent willing to take a trip to a destination that is clothing optional.


Next Sims 3 Expansion Pack: Supernatural

Once again, news of the next Sims 3 expansion pack has been leaked thanks to an Amazon partner who jumped the gun. I believe last time it was Amazon France which posted their listing early, but this time the blame falls to Amazon Italy. Last week a sharp-eyed Sims fan noticed a listing for "The Sims 3 Supernatural Edition" with a release date of September 7, 2012.



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