Shout - takingnotes - 6/26/15 4:47pm
<p>Three people seems optimal. One for POS, one for barista and one for #Beer.</p>
<p>Three people seems optimal. One for POS, one for barista and one for #Beer.</p>
<p>Hmm... looks like the hashtags are working again? #Beer #Beer #Beer</p>
<p>Lesse... hashtags? #Beer #Beer #Beer</p>
<p>Another fortunate thing is that I get out before we close. So I can sit down and have a #Beer before going home.</p>
<p>Another fortunate thing is that I get out before we close. So I can sit down and have a #Beer before going home.</p>
<p>Another fortunate thing is that I get out before we close. So I can sit down and have a #Beer before going home.</p>
<p>Another fortunate thing is that I get out before we close. So I can sit down and have a #Beer before going home.</p>
<p>Reallly hoping that the tips will be good, cause I'm going to seriously need a #Beer when I'm done.</p>
<p>Reallly hoping that the tips will be good, cause I'm going to seriously need a #Beer when I'm done.</p>
<p>Reallly hoping that the tips will be good, cause I'm going to seriously need a #Beer when I'm done.</p>