Novo Coffee
How does orange zest sound in your cappucino? Try Novo Coffee during your next date night. Enjoy the patio and some scones with your date.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
Shout - New York Single - 2/27/15 8:24pm
I promised my mom I'd start watching #Orange is the New Black soon. It's her "new" show. #Single #New_York_S...
Chat: 2/27/15 2:45pm
Shout - saysthespider - 2/26/15 3:14pm
Welcome back, Kat! And, well... Let's see... There's a town in #New_Jersey called #Orange, taking has become a #Sex-plumber, and cowboys can be attractive. I think that about sums it up. #saysthespi...
Shout - saysthespider - 2/26/15 3:12pm
Ohhhh, okay... I wasn't aware of #Orange, #New_Jersey. #saysthespi...
Shout - Erika B - 2/26/15 6:12pm
I assume that's why #Orange is hashtagged, because of #Orange, #New_Jersey. #Single #Erika_B
Shout - Villon - 2/26/15 6:10pm
Dang. My friend #Warren #Orange should be a shouter. #Single #Villon
Shout - saysthespider - 2/26/15 3:10pm
lmao #Orange is a location? O.o #saysthespi...
Shout - Erika B - 2/26/15 6:09pm
Yeah I was just puzzling over that. Is #Warren a location, like #Orange? #Single #Erika_B